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Amada Miyachi Laser Marking

Amada Miyachi Laser Marking

Código de Producto
Miyagi 980-0013
Fecha de lanzamiento
28 Jan 2016
Nombre del producto
Amada Miyachi Laser Marking
Amada Miyachi introduced its LMWS laser marking workstation designed for benchtop operation. The laser marking workstation features narrow width for lean manufacturing and CDRH Class 1 safety. I
Nombre de la empresa
East Midlands, Rockingham Forest
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Cu5155.5 ($)
Eur 1,11 ($)
Las notificaciones
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  • Orjinal Metal Urunleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. - Orjinal Metal has been a leading manufacturer of brass billet, brass rods and brass profiles in Turkey since 1970. With non-ferrous products manufacturing origins for over 45 years prior to this, it means we know metals and the industry better than most. Our core-business is metal, particularly brass semi-products as copper alloy.
  • Orjinal Metal Urunleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. - Orjinal Metal has been a leading manufacturer of brass billet, brass rods and brass profiles in Turkey since 1970. With non-ferrous products manufacturing origins for over 45 years prior to this, it means we know metals and the industry better than most. Our core-business is metal, particularly brass semi-products as copper alloy.
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